french 4/5

Tutoring for the AP® French Language and Culture exam** and DELF Junior B1

French 1 French 1
French 2 French 2
French 3 French 3
French 4/5 French 4/5

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What students say about this course

J'ai vraiment aimé votre classe de Français AP. Cela m'a beaucoup aidé dans ma préparation pour l'examen parce que j'ai pu m'entraîner pour l'examen et obtenir des commentaires sur mon travail écrit. 
En parlant de l'examen, cela s'est très bien passé aujourd'hui et j'étais prête pour chaque tâche de l'examen. Merci beaucoup pour votre aide à me préparer à l'examen avec la classe de l'Alliance Française! - Archie (Teen 4-5 / AP French)
For me, the most useful aspect of the class was the opportunity to practice speaking and attain feedback right away. I believe that having all of the students speak frequently was very beneficial. Moreover, the writing practice was also helpful as it got me more accustomed to writing French essays and emails and the feedback I received regarding grammar and word choice was great. I think it was great that we often started with a short French video and I liked that sometimes we would discuss the topics, as many were socially and culturally relevant. I would've liked it better if we discussed the videos every week because that would be more speaking practice and it would've been discussions revolving around salient issues that everyone thinks about. Finally, the reading practice that we did was fantastic as I became more and more comfortable reading in French. 
Taking the class has really helped me prepare for the AP Exam and I am glad I took it. Thank you so much for being a great teacher and always providing me with constructive feedback! - Izabella (Teen 4-5 / AP French)
The AP French class with Monsieur Michel was wonderful! There was a lot of focus on oral communication and the ability to structure a range of simple to complex sentences, which was extremely helpful in the AP French exam. But even more than that, I felt that I gained valuable experience conversing in French during the weekly lessons. Each class felt like it had a purpose, and I walked away with a lot of confidence in my ability to understand, write, and speak in French by the end of the semester. I'd also like to add that Monsieur Michel is a wonderful teacher -- he made each class interesting, was wonderfully interactive, and motivated me to continue practicing simply for the fun of learning French! I'd highly recommend this class to anyone looking to prepare for the AP French Exam or for simply gaining experience and learning more about the French language and culture!  - Megan (Teen 4-5 / AP French)


(*) You may find 4 or 5 levels of French in the "World Language" program of your California High School. The last level of French in your high school is the level corresponding to the preparation for the AP®  French Language and Culture exam.

  • If you are enrolled in a French 4 course in high school where a maximum of  4 levels are offered in the "World Language program", you can enroll in our supplementary tutoring class "French 4/5 : Tutoring for the AP® French Language and Culture exam(**)
  • If you are enrolled in a French 5 course in high school where a maximum of  5 levels are offered in the "World Language program", you can enroll in our supplementary tutoring class "French 4/5 : Tutoring for the AP® French Language and Culture exam (**)

(**) AP® is a registered trademark owned by the College Board, which is not affiliated with Alliance Française de San Francisco. The College Board does not endorse the " French IV - Prep for the French Language and Culture" course designed to help students get ready for the AP® French exam in May.

This course is for tutoring in small groups, it complements and does not replace a regular AP® French course in High School.

To be able to take the AP® French Language(*) and Culture exam in May, you need to register with one of the schools that offer registration. You can find a school near you in this list.It is recommended to contact these schools as soon as possible as they may have their own local deadlines and policies for receiving requests from outside students.

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Alliance Française de San Francisco
1345 Bush Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Tel: +1 (415) 775-7755

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Alliance Française de San Francisco is an American nonprofit public charity, tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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