The Restoration of Notre Dame de Paris: Revival after the 2019 Fire

On April 15, 2019, Notre Dame de Paris, one of France’s most iconic landmarks welcoming 15 million visitors a year, was devastated by a fire that shocked the world. Its wooden roof was destroyed by the flames which also impacted its spire and caused severe damage to parts of its interior. The main priority was to secure the cathedral’s structure to prevent any further collapse. Only after that restoration could begin. The restoration of Notre Dame has drawn on the expertise of a diverse array of craftsmen and artisans from all around France. Indeed, nearly 250 companies and art workshops from carpenters, masons, stonemasons, scaffolders, sculptors, gliders, and stained-glass experts have brought their traditional knowledge and technical skills, making it a national mission to revive Notre Dame de Paris. Tasks have included rebuilding the roof, replicating the iconic oak framework, reconstructing the spire, and restoring the North tower bells. Cleaning stained glass windows, while restoring large paintings and other artworks, as well as removing smoke from the iconic sand-coloured stone.

It is said that Notre Dame’s reopening on December 8, 2024, will offer a renewed experience for worshippers and visitors. The dedication of the artisans and specialists involved in bringing this masterpiece back to life, reaffirms Notre Dame as a symbol of resilience and French heritage you definitely want to add to your Paris ‘Must See List’!

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